Monday, June 9, 2008

6/9/08 How the Blind Inspire

It was definitely Monday... nothing felt right, nothing felt true.
I went to work, of course it dragged on ...
waiting and waiting, the six o'clock mark highlighted itself on the wall,
basically stating, "ok, I guess you can be gone..."
But all through the day, on and on, thoughts of her raced back and forth.
"HaHaHa, You Only Wish You Were Good Enough...."
Finally on to the bus I stumbled...
Awaiting my stop, I thought... thinking, thinking, thinking...
Then on came a dog... a DOG?!
It was a dog, with a man holding it by a leash...
he felt for a seat, any seat ... until he rested himself against that cold, hard plastic.
"Sit, sit, ... good boy..." he remarked as he motioned to the dog.
Sitting there beside the big man in dark glasses, I watched as he pulled out what had to of been an ipod.
It definitely was, but in braille... "huh, an ipod in braille.. interesting," I thought.
Then it hit me... "Everything today has gone wrong or gone sour...
... I got to work in a sweating heap, I didn't stop from there...
... I dragged myself to the bus, of course it had to break down...
... and the few I love are a thousand miles away, or atleast feel like it...
... but he can't see, he can't experience a sunset, a sunrise, a beautiful flower...
... or even the shining face of a content, sleeping newborn...
... but he's made it this far, and it doesn't look like he's giving up anytime soon...
... so why should I?

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31)

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