Monday, June 16, 2008

6/16/08 The Glitter in Her Eye

Isn't it amazing?
That life can be such a b*tch...
but then that same life can have such happy endings.
Isn't it amazing?
That those who are crushed...
are often those that contain the most potential.
Isn't it amazing?
That opportunities can be received...
just as quickly and deliberately as they can be taken.
Isn't it amazing?
That no matter how you look at a day...
at the end, it's all that you've done and all you haven't.
Isn't it amazing?
How someone can look you in the eye with a world of honesty behind them...
but that same sparkle can hide a world of lies.
Isn't it amazing?
How you can unintentionally do everything wrong...
but at the end of the day, they still love you.
Isn't it amazing?
How you can be so blessed...
to be able to see that sparkle of Heaven in her eye each mornin'.

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