Friday, June 6, 2008


Why do we do this?
Why is it this way and not another?
Why do we drag ourselves down ... just to be lifted by another?
Why is it just as commonly vice versa?
Why do I do this to myself?
It is I who is doing it to myself?

Why do we think about certain things only to shame ourselves for it moments later?
Why are temptations so great one moment and fade into the horizon right after?
What do I do when the future is so cloudy that you have to put the lights to dim?
Do you slow down? Do you speed up? Do you stop?
What do you do when every road suddenly has a DEAD END sign as you try to follow them?
Why do we feel that this is so stupid so many other issues are dealt with every day of such inferiority?
Why do I think about this? Constantly, meanwhile telling myself not to, but only to conclude by thinking about it more?!
If one believes that he has enough stamina and maturity to withstand the issue and "problem", then why can't they?
Why do I do this?!
How can this happen... time after time?!
Why do I let it happen?
I feel like I cannot help it only to be "given" back the mental strength after it is already done.

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