Friday, June 6, 2008

9/19 ... some of my first written thoughts ...

I love my life every once in a while. But the next second, I feel as though I could cease to exist and everything and everyone would have a much simpler life. I love my girl. She's the one that's right for me. We argue continually, only to love each other even more after all is said and done. I miss her so much. I would give anything for her to be the one that I end up with in the end, after all is said and done, after I finish my studies and get out on my own. I would give anything in the entire world for this wonderful girl to be the one by my side. My family is just as important, I love them more than anything too. My wish would be that Kelly and I would be together forever with my family right there beside us.
It's funny how so many things can have you flabbergasted one moment, but the calmest ever the second consecutively after. Today has been a complete road of nonsense. I don't know how I didn't go absolutely insane, but I didn't. Now everything is absolutely normal, completely in the right.
These moments make me realize that no matter how "under control" I have things, there's something that comes and twists everything out of the ordinary. I guess they call this Life.

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