Saturday, June 7, 2008


I have always heard quotes from this source or that, that began by stating, "There comes a time in every man's life when..." Oddly enough though, most of them don't deal with the individual man or his life directly at all. Either they deal with the local society in the most precise fashion, or just with humanity itself. Tonight though, I opened a new door. This door showed me feelings, thoughts, and understandings that almost made me cry... so here we go:
There comes a time in every man's (or woman's) life when they reach a point in a relationship ... well, naa... It doesn't have to be in a relationship, nor a friendship either... This connection, per say, between a man and a woman most preferably for this scenario, shares the feelings that usually come with it such as faith, trust, honesty, dependency, etc. that come together to form one piece called love.
I don't know if every man has felt this way towards a woman, but I do know that I have. It's not obsession, nor infatuation. It's not one-sided, nor independent. It takes hard, grueling work between both people, but it's definitely worth it. It's made up of honesty. It's made up of faith. It's made up of trust. It's made up of just completely being able to say that you can take your life and put it in the palm of another person's hands. At this point in a relationship, I honestly don't even know if love is a strong enough word to fulfill all that is felt by the person during this time. The way that I felt towards her tonight was something that only God could give to a human. It was as though anything else happen and still you would right there with her.
I don't know what it is. I don't know if it's real.

I love her, to say the very least.
I would give my life for her, to say the very most.

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